Tuesday 27 January 2015

ذكري وفاة الأم/ زينب ياسين (A tribute to Mother Zeineb Yassin (1918 – 2005

ذكري وفاة الأم/ زينب ياسين
(1918 -2005)

السيدة المناضلة زينب ياسين ، ولدت بمدينة افعبت في عام 1918،
.توفيت الام "زينب ياسين" في يوم 28 يناير 2005 عام ، وووريت التراب بمدينتها افعبت
انضمت السيدة زينب برفقة زوجها وابنييها الى الثورة في عام 1977 وظلت تعمل في الخطوط الخلفية محرضة ومؤازرة المناضلين ما أهلها لاستحقاق لقب "ام المناضلين" ، كما تميزت بشكل فريد في مجال الشعر بلغة التجري ،.
بعد انسحاب الجبهة الشعبية من مدينة افعبت في بداية الثمانينات انتقلت السيدة زينب الى مدينة نقفا وعملت بها حتى تحرير اريتريا ،ثم عادت الى مدينة افعبت
ملخصة من منتديات فيوري ومنقولة من صفحة احمد الحاج بالفيسبوك

Thanks to Ahmed Al Haj for the reminder and the note

This song was a tribute to her:


A tribute to Mother Zeineb Yassin (1918 – 2005)

She passed away 10 years ago, this date (28.01.2005). She was born and grew up in Afabet. She joined the EPLF in 1977, together with her husband and her two sons. She worked behind the military lines supporting freedom fighters and mobilizing the people. She is well known for her revolutionary Tigrait poetry. She was known in the EPLF as the ‘Mother of the fighters’. After the EPLF withdrew from Afabet, she lived in Nakfa for most of the time, until independence day. Afterwards, she returned to her hometown, Afabet, and lived there until her death.

This is what Asmarino.com wrote about her:

“Adey Zeinab Yassin is considered as the mother of Eritrea.  She was a simple but committed mother that Eritrea had ever seen during the harshest period our struggle for independence.  She stood firm and mothered our fighters to the best of her ability. Many fighters were touched by her strength, vigor, generosity and motherly qualities.   Most of all she was known for her words of wisdom and uplifting poetry.  She won the respect of all fighters and the people who knew her.” 

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