Monday 2 November 2015

بحثا عن ألحقيقة ? لماذا انهزمت جبهة التحرىر الارترية عام ١٩٨١?

 بحثا عن ألحقيقة ? لماذا انهزمت جبهة التحرىر الارترية عام

?Why was the ELF defeated in 1981  

The ELF before the EPLF/TPLF aggression that started on August 1980 and continued for a bout a year, had a fighting force of 9 Brigades with a number of 18, 000 regular army and had militias and those who worked at the various departments who made up about 25, 000 (Figures according to the military office of the ELF. The Eritrean Liberation Army (ELA) was well armed and trained and had a combat experience even under much difficult circumstances than the EPLF/TPLF aggression. Even the TPLF Assessment of the ELF in 1985 states that the losses than the ELF sustained during the dual attack was much less than its losses when it attempted to liberate Barentu. Why was it defeated then? In my humble opinion there are many factors, but the main factor was that its leadership was deeply divided on a number of issues and it was infiltrated by the EPLF (some of whom opted to join the EPLF when their mission was accomplished).

-         -  The failure of the leadership to manage the large influx of Christian highlanders in 1975
-          - Competition of the leadership to win the newcomers at the expense of the old guard
-          - Sympathy of some of the newcomers with the EPLF and associating themselves with it
-          - The delay to hold regular meetings of the Central Committee and thus the 3rd ELF congress which was supposed to convene in 1979
-          - The ELF was isolated in the region, it supported the view of the Soviet Union that the Derg was progressive and the visits of its leadership to Moscow and Berlin without informing its immediate neighbours such as Sudan and Saudi Arabia put it at odds with those countries that were anti-communist. They regarded it as a threat
-          -  The EPLF/TPLF aggression was a secondary factor that contributed to its demise
-          - The choice of the organization, the plains of Barca, as its base was a fatal military strategy as its bases could be overrun in a short period. No sensible organization could make such a fatal mistake.

Here, I present, the views of the two sides of the leadership that were in conflict as stated by them. They are both in Arabic and I hope to translate them to English when I find time. One view is given by the ELF led then by Abdella Idris and its puts the blame squarely on a section of the leadership (without naming it) that conspired to destroy the ELF. The other point is given by Ibrahim Mohamed Ali, in his book about the ‘Journey of the ELF: The beginning and the end’ where he puts the blame on Abdella Idris, personally, accusing him conspiring with the Saudi intelligence to destroy the ELF that was regarded then by them as ‘Communist and Christian’.

I believe the whole ELF leadership takes responsibility for the demise of the ELF

نقدم وجهت نظرين مختلفتين تمثلان قيادات الجبهة المتصارعة انذاك

وجهت نظر جبهة التحرىر الارترية التي كان يقودها الشهيد عبدالله ادريس انذاك وجهت نظر ابراهيم محمد علي الذي يمثل الطرف الاخر في الصراع

  جيش التحرير الإرتري رغما أن عدده  كان كبيرا وتسليحه جيدا ، وخبرته القتالية عالية و يكفي أن نعرف إنه كان مكونا في ذلك الوقت من تسعة ألوية قوامها ثمانية عشر ألفا من المقاتلين النظامين ، أما القوات غير النظامية كالمليشيات الشعبية والأجهزة ، فلقد كان تعدادها خمسا وعشرين ألف مسلح .

هذا الجيش بعدده وعدته ، وتسليحه وتجربته القتالية ،  كان بإمكانه أن يتصدى ويقاتل ويصمد على الساحة الإرترية ، أما عدوان الجبهة الشعبية وحليفتها وياني تقراي الأثيوبية ، 
فلم يكن في حقيقة أمره .
إلا عاملا ثانويا 

وجهت نظر جبهة التحرىر الارترية التي كان يقودها الشهيد عبدالله ادريس انذاك 

وجهت نظر ابراهيم محمد علي الذي يمثل الطرف الاخر في الصراع

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